Runes on the Phones - The Edge everyone carries
Cross-platform ML Inference has never been easier
Note: a version of this post was published earlier on May 15th 2021, but since then, we have made some edits and incorporated feedback we received. Feel free to skip it if you have already read the previous post :)
HOTG’s Rune is virtual machine/containerization technology
We have described in details in previous posts on what Rune is here and here. In short to recap:
Just like Docker images package software together with its dependencies, Rune packages ML and application logic into a tiny container. Runes can then easily be deployed onto different edge devices. By providing a common platform for Runes to run, we can target several edge platforms in one go, making it easier for developers to deploy their models on real world devices.
Introducing RuneVM
RuneVM is our virtual machine to run Runes on edge devices.
And guess what? It is open source! Time to play!
RuneVM facilitates running Runes on an edge device by providing the lifecycle management of the Runes. We are launching the RuneVM for iOS and Android first and then over time other edge devices as well. So stay tuned!
Running a Rune on iOS and Android devices through the new RuneVM for Flutter plugin gives developers a straightforward method to deploy models fast without platform specific code requirements.
Flutter and Rune, a perfect match
Flutter is a cross-platform app development framework allowing absolute freedom in creating user experiences regardless of the host platform.
Rune is an orchestration tool for specifying how data should be processed. The Rune gets compiled to a WebAssembly library which is loaded by a WebAssembly runtime for execution, taking care of the pre- and post-processing steps required to turn inputs into a form that is usable for a machine learning model and interpreting the results.
Running Runes in Flutter allows for developers to build an ML inference pipeline once and deploy it on any device in a robust and consistent way.
Hello Rune
To get you started, here's a simple tutorial how to deploy a rune mobile.
First of all, let's create a new Flutter project:
me@foo> flutter create hello_rune
This will create a new flutter project with a boilerplate template.
Let's check it out:
me@foo> cd hello_rune
me@foo> flutter run
Next step is to add the RuneVM plugin to our project in the pubspec.yaml file:
sdk: flutter
runevm_fl: ^0.1.3
Fetch the plugin:
me@foo> flutter pub get
Now let's get to business and run a simple sine Rune that receives a number as input and predicts the corresponding sine transformation.
Import RuneVM
`import 'package:runevm_fl/runevm_fl.dart'`
Load the Rune file into memory from the assets folder
ByteData bytes = await rootBundle.load('assets/sine.rune');
bool loaded = await RunevmFl.load(bytes.buffer.asUint8List()) ?? false;
The **RunevmFl.load** loads a rune into memory as a list of bytes
Read the rune manifest
String manifest = (await RunevmFl.manifest).toString()
The manifest gives the app information about the input and output formats that are required from the Rune, in this case the input is a simple float32 value represented by 4 bytes
These two steps allow us to feed input data to the rune and run it. We execute the rune with 4 input bytes representing the generated random number:
Random rand = Random();
_input = rand.nextDouble() * 2 * pi;
Uint8List inputBytes = Uint8List(4);
..buffer.asByteData().setFloat32(0, _input, Endian.little);
_output = await RunevmFl.runRune(inputBytes);
That's it, we just ran our first Rune on a mobile device!
You can setup and play with this today
The code for all this is on the open source github:
Follow along the instruction and say hooray for running a TinyML model on your phone!
With RuneVM for flutter, deploying a rune and running it cross-platform has never been easier. Next to iOS and Android, we plan to add support for Web, MacOS, Linux and Windows in the near future, making Runes a true cross-platform technology to process your data and run machine learning models on any platform in exactly the same way.
git repo for this demo/code -
git repo for Rune containers -
git repo for RuneVM -